Saturday, August 2, 2008

Here is the breakdown of your path to ecover design business

How can I make it big from this market?

Let's assume you now know how to design an e-cover very well, making money from it wouldn't be a problem. Interestingly e-cover designs are needed by ALL online marketers, that means anyone online will need it whether they are in internet marketing or not.

There are several ways you can cash into this market but i will explain just two method here.

1]Joint venture:
I want you to go over to and type the word "free e-covers". Your result will bring out thousands of websites where you can get e-covers for free. Visit one of the website and you will notice a loop hole that can make you rich quickly.

For example a site like gives out free e-covers but unfortunately this website are not giving quality or personalized e-covers yet they have up to 5,000 potential customers on their email list and they are always looking for people to partner with.

2]Forum Marketing Techniques:
Are you aware that my friend that i told you earlier who was making $500 a week didn't use the above method?

Yes he applied just this strategy I am about to explain and yet he made BIG bucks from it until he had to stop doing e-covers.

A forum is an online gathering where groups of people with the same ideas and vision meet to share thoughts together for the benefit of one another. An example of a forum is in this place you get to meet over 60,000 people who are members of the forum or should I say 60,000 potential clients.

Week 1--You learn and master how to design any e-cover

Week 2--Design samples of any kind of e-cover

Week 3--Apply method 1 or 2

Week 4--Expect hundreds of dollars to start rolling into your account.

I hope I have been able to prove to you that this business is very lucrative with or without a

website. With a little research on your own part you are guaranteed to succeed.

Before I round off for today's teaching let me quickly state that you will be receiving your payments through paypal
So you must have a paypal account.
I have come to know that I won`t be able to give ALL details like I earlier planned lik the videosthat explains the e-cover design but while writing this am thinking of alternatives which I will explain in other mails, meanwhile don`t take that as an excuse if you think you can go for this e-cover design then get started with something today! but if not wait till tomorrow for another business ideas that Will fetch you BIG bucks in 2008